Monday, September 12, 2011

National recognition and support for local programs. (Local Association News).

National recognition and support for local programs. (Local Association News). Local Association of the Year AwardCongratulations to the local association of Abilene, Texas Abilene is a city in Taylor County, Texas, United States, in the central portion of the state. The population was 115,930 at the 2000 census. It is the principal city of the Abilene, Texas Metropolitan Statistical Area, which had a 2006 estimated population of 158,063. , the2002 Local Association of the Year.With only thirty-one members, this busy association, underPresident Shirley Anderson, manages to participate in many projects andactivities. These include an Ensemble Festival, Piano Solo The piano is often used to provide harmonic accompaniment to a voice or other instrument. However, solo parts for the piano can be found in some musical styles. These can take the form of a section in which the piano is heard more prominently than other instruments, or in which the piano Contest, thenoncompetitive Springer-Manly Music Festival, theory and world of musichistory tests, a publication competition, Piano Teams and thecommissioning of original compositions.They have an association lending library lend¡¤ing libraryn.A library from which books may be borrowed or rented for a minimal fee. Also called circulating library.Noun 1. , containing videos onlectures and master classes, cassette tapes from the MTNA MTNA Music Teachers National AssociationMTNA Middle Tennessee Nursery Association (McMinnville, Tennessee)NationalConferences, books and MTNA publications. The local association holds ateacher workshop. Students perform in Artwalk, participate in apiano-thon, play music for shoppers during the Christmas season at thelocal mall and give a televised Showcase Recital Recital - dBASE-like language and DBMS from Recital Corporation. Versions include Va x VMS. .Activities to promote ongoing strength include mentoring newmembers and providing leadership training for officers and committeechairs. They also sponsor members' attendance at an Institute ofParliamentarians to gain additional training.Local teachers work closely with the piano pedagogy class atHardin-Simmons University Hardin-Simmons University (or HSU) is a private Baptist university located in Abilene, Texas. Founded in 1891 as The Abilene Baptist University, HSU has since grown. in Abilene. Individuals have spoken to theclass, and students have come to visit teachers and observe theirteaching. Local members also assisted with the establishment of acollegiate col¡¤le¡¤giate?adj.1. Of, relating to, or held to resemble a college.2. Of, for, or typical of college students.3. Of or relating to a collegiate church. chapter at local McMurry University McMurry University, founded in 1923, is a private co-educational university in Abilene, Texas. It is a liberal arts school offering forty-one majors in the fields of fine arts, humanities, social and natural sciences, education, business, and religion, and nine pre-professional .While some of their activities are part of the programs of theTexas MTA (1) (Message Transfer Agent or Mail Transfer Agent) The store and forward part of a messaging system. See messaging system.(2) See M Technology Association. 1. (messaging) MTA - Message Transfer Agent. , this is a sketch of programs, projects and activities fromthe Abilene association.Applications for the Local Association of the Year Award were sentto local presidents earlier this summer. If you did not receive anapplication, contact MTNA at (888) 512-5278 or Theapplication deadline is October 1, 2002.Local Association Matching Grants matching grantAcademia Non-peer-reviewed funding in which a commercial enterprise, foundation, or philanthropy, federal government, contributes a sum of money that 'matches' a financial contribu tion made by an institution, university or hospital. To quote Becky Barlar, president of the MidState [Florida] MTA,"Every year, local presidents receive an application for an MTNAmatching grant. Several grants of up to $500 are available to provideassistance to locals `for the educational and professional developmentof teachers and for the support and promotion of music in the immediatecommunity.... Projects should be creative and beneficial to manyindividuals, rather than a small, specialized spe¡¤cial¡¤ize?v. spe¡¤cial¡¤ized, spe¡¤cial¡¤iz¡¤ing, spe¡¤cial¡¤iz¡¤esv.intr.1. To pursue a special activity, occupation, or field of study.2. group of persons.'Examples of suggested projects are included with the application packet,and each year a list of grant recipients and their projects is publishedin American Music Teacher."Although local association presidents receive an application, onealso may request an application from MTNA national headquarters. It mustbe completed and postmarked or time/date stamped by February 3, 2003,and sent to the MTNA FOUNDATION at MTNA, 441 Vine St., Ste. 505,Cincinnati, OH 45202-2811 or faxed to (513) 421-2503.New Local Association Start-Up GrantsThe same rules and procedures to obtain a Local AssociationMatching Grant apply for a New Local Association Start-Up Grant. Theonly difference is that Start-Up Grants are for new local associations.Please contact MTNA national headquarters at (888) 512-5278 for moreinformation.Dues "Worthwhile"At the 2002 MTNA National Conference session Local Association OpenSession: Issues and Concerns, the question arose about comparing ourdues with those of other professions' organizations.I directed this question to MTNA Executive Director Dr. Gary Ingle in¡¤gle?n.1. An open fire in a fireplace.2. A fireplace.[Perhaps Scottish Gaelic aingeal, fire, light. ,and this is his reply: We did a survey/comparison of dues about three years ago. We found that most were more than ours; a few were less. But more than that, we found it didn't matter. No one said, "Since MENC dues are $65 a year, that makes it easier for me to pay $50 for MTNA dues. "Even when we showed that the average dues of professional membership associations like MTNA were $250 a year, it didn't matter. People will pay $50 for MTNA if they find MTNA worthwhile, regardless of what other organizations' dues are.American Music MonthNovember is American Music Month. As you plan your fall events, youmay wish to include performances, lectures, workshops and master classesof and about American music during November. American Music Month issponsored by the Council of American Music Organizations (CAMEO). MTNAis a CAMEO member.--Carolyn Malnes, NCTMNational Local Associations ChairLynnwood, WashingtonShe is an independent music teacher.

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