Monday, September 12, 2011

Pavlov VI: an upper Palaeolithic living unit.

Pavlov VI: an upper Palaeolithic living unit. Introduction One of the characteristics of the Danubian Gravettian (Pavlovian)period is that its sites are found in clusters (Gamble 1999; Roebroekset al. 2000; Svoboda & Sedlackova 2004). These may be intensiveoccupations, resulting from repeated human activities at one place, (forexample the Dolni Vestonice I and Pavlov I sites) or extensive spreadsof individual occupations over a wide area (for example Dolni VestoniceII). In each case the sites are composed of individual settlement units,consisting of a central hearth surrounded by various pits, large bonesand artefact See artifact. scatters. Among the best explored examples are the sites in the DolniVestonice-Pavlov area in the Czech Republic (Svoboda 1994, 1997, 2005)where individual sites may also show a hierarchy of importance and size. This paper reports a new single-occupation site located about 1km eastof Pavlov I and named Pavlov VI (Figures 1 and 2). Pavlov VI has clearstratigraphy, radiocarbon dates, several pits, faunal and floralremains, transported rocks and tertiary shells, stone and boneartefacts, decorative items and ochre. It has also produced 12 pieces ofceramics, including some with zoomorphic zo¡¤o¡¤mor¡¤phism?n.1. Attribution of animal characteristics or qualities to a god.2. Use of animal forms in symbolism, literature, or graphic representation. forms and some with theimpressions of human epidermal ridges, animal hair and textilestructures. [FIGURE 1 OMITTED] Stratigraphy and [sup.14]C dating Pavlov VI was discovered on 27 June 2007, when a canal ditch beingdug between the villages of Milovice and Pavlov cut a dark lens of humic hu¡¤mic?adj.Of, relating to, or derived from humus.Adj. 1. humic - of or relating to or derived from humus; "humic acid" sediments 4-5m long at an altitude o f 205m asl (a typical location forall Pavlovian sites in the area). The cultural layer was deposited below0.8m of arable soil and 0.6-0.7m of light calcareous calcareous/cal¡¤car¡¤e¡¤ous/ (kal-kar¡äe-us) pertaining to or containing lime; chalky. cal¡¤car¡¤e¡¤ousadj. loess (withmicrolayers of loess loams redeposited by gelifluction). It took theform of a lens with a maximum thickness of 0.35m made of humiccalcareous silt, with limonitic bands containing charcoal and artefacts.It lay on silty subsoil subsoilLayer (stratum) of earth immediately below the surface soil, consisting predominantly of minerals and leached materials such as iron and aluminum compounds. Humus remains and clay accumulate in subsoil, but the teeming macroscopic and microscopic organisms that make 0.5m deep which was calcareous and containedcharcoal but no anthropogenic an¡¤thro¡¤po¡¤gen¡¤ic?adj.1. Of or relating to anthropogenesis.2. Caused by humans: anthropogenic degradation of the environment. mater ial. Below this lay the gravels ofthe Dyje River. Four samples for radiocarbon dating were collected at regular depthintervals from within the thick cultural layer, but the uppermost andlowermost ones failed to produce reliable dates due to low carboncontent. The two dates from the middle of the layer are 25950 [+ or -]110 BP (GrA-37627) and 26110 [+ or -] 130 BP (GrA-37628). Theircalibrated ages using the CalPal-2007 Hulu data set and CalPal program(Weninger & Joris 2004; Weninger et al. 2007) are 28930 [+ or -] 270cal BC and 29070 [+ or -] 270 cal BC. These two dates fit well into alarger series of 11 dates from the nearby large site of Pavlov I(Svoboda 2005: Table 1). [FIGURE 2 OMITTED] The spatial distribution of remains A 5 x 3m area of the cultural layer was uncovered in the southernpart of the opened area, separated into 1m squares numbered A-E and 1-3(Figure 3). All of the recovered sediments were wet-sieved. The nearbycontrol trenches did not show a continua tion of the cultural layer. Thehorizontal distribution of the artefacts (Figure 3) demonstrates thatthe site was produced by a unique, spatially isolated settlement unitwith a diameter of 4-5m. An oval-shaped pit measuring 1.2 x 0.8m, and 0.35m deep, waslocated in the centre. The shape of this depression, originally regular,was slightly deformed by post-depositional slope movement of theoverlying overlyingsuffocation of piglets by the sow. The piglets may be weak from illness or malnutrition, the sow may be clumsy or ill, the pen may be inadequate in size or poorly designed so that piglets cannot escape. layers. It was filled with dark humic sediments, rich incharcoal pieces and fragments, burnt stones and their fragments, andsmaller bone fragments. The central pit was surrounded by severaladjacent smaller pits, 0.15-0.25m in diameter and about 0.15m deep.Their infill was either identical to that of the central hearth or was abrowner version. The central pit and the surroun ding pits were probablyused to prepare food. We interpret the smaller pits as boiling pits.Analogous features, and in similar associations, were noted at Pavlov I,Dolni Vestonice II, as well as at the north Bohemian Mesolithic sites(Svoboda et al. 2007). [FIGURE 3 OMITTED] An accumulation of mammoth bones lay in the western portion of theexcavated area. It included the remains of two individuals, an adultfemale and a calf. The remains included a large tusk more than 2m long,2 smaller tusks (0.7-0.8m), pelvis, vertebrae VertebraeBones in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions of the body that make up the vertebral column. Vertebrae have a central foramen (hole), and their superposition makes up the vertebral canal that encloses the spinal cord. and ribs. Smaller boneswere scattered through the area. Evidence of human actions are visibleon the mammoth bones and include a perforation on a mammoth long bone(Figure 4) as well as a flint artefact inserted into a tusk. Flora and fauna Charcoal fragments were frequent over the entire area of the siteand concentrated in the fillings of pits. All the analysed samples weredominated by spruce (Pieea abies), followed by larch (Larix decidua decidua/de¡¤cid¡¤ua/ (de-sid¡äu-ah) the endometrium of the pregnant uterus, all of which, except the deepest layer, is shed at parturition. ).Pine is represented by only three fragments (Pinus sylvestris, squareC2) and oak by a single fragment (Quercus sp., square D2). The dominanceof conifers and the presence of a few more deciduous species is inaccordance with the previous palaeobotanical analyses from the DolniVestonice-Pavlov area (Opravil 1994). Shell fragments of Quaternaryterrestrial gastropods Succinea oblonga, Cepaea sp., and Euomphaliastrigella complete the reconstruction of local environment. [FIGURE 4 OMITTED] A rich faunal inventory totalling 5334 items was recovered fromPavlov VI. Of these, 3139 items are undeterminable (59 per cent of thetotal bo ne counts) and 1047 items were burnt (20 per cent of the totalbone number). The majority of the identified bones belong to mammoth(Mammuthus primigenius, 70 per cent), followed by a category of largemammal (horse or bovid bovidAny ruminant of the family Bovidae. Bovids have hollow, unbranched, permanently attached horns; they are grazing or browsing animals found in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, most often in grasslands, scrublands, or deserts. Most species live in large herds. in size, 9 per cent), and middle-sized mammals(reindeer or wolf in size, 6 per cent) and wolf (Canis lupus, 6 percent). Horse and reindeer remains are less frequent (Equusgermanicus, 3per cent; Rangifer tarandus, 3 per cent). The remains of small mammalsare rare (fox or hare in size, 1 per cent) as do those of the arctic fox(Vulpes lagopus, 1 per cent). Singular remains belong to the wolverine wolverineor glutton,largest member of the weasel family, Gulo gulo, found in the northern parts o f North America and Eurasia, usually in high mountains near the timberline or in tundra. (Gulo gulo, 0.2 per cent), bear (Ursus sp., 0.1 per cent) and hare(Lepus sp., 0.1 per cent). Mammoths are represented by two individuals, one of them an adultbetween 20 and 25 years of age and one a calf between 2 and 5 years ofage. Based on the size of the tusk, the adult was a female, and the calfmost probably was hers. The other species are represented by singleindividuals. Almost all parts of the skeleton were recorded for themammoths, horse, reindeer, wolf and arctic fox. The mammoths mostprobably were hunted in the immediate vicinity, while the smalleranimals were transported to the site for processing. The bear isrepresented by a single phalange pha¡¤lange?n.See phalanx.[French, from Old French, body of infantrymen, from Latin, from Greek phalanx, phalang-, log, battle array, bone between the finger and toe joints , and this might indicate hideprocessing. A part of the bones wer e covered by red ochre for undeterminedritual or quotidian quotidian/quo¡¤tid¡¤i¡¤an/ (kwo-tid¡äe-an) recurring every day; see malaria. quo¡¤tid¡¤i¡¤anadj.Recurring daily. Used especially of attacks of malaria. reasons. One mammoth bone fragment was also coveredby bitumen. The presence of reindeer or reindeer skins at this site isalso indicated by the impressions of reindeer hair on clay fragments(see below). Use of cobbles and shells Cobble stones from the vicinity were found in the central pit andare seen as intentionally brought to the site for the purpose ofroasting food. There were 135 complete specimens and 48 fragments ofmolluscs, dominated by scaphopods and gastropods, while the bivalves arerepresented by two small fragments only. Also from the vicinity, theyincluded the most numerous remains of scaphopods (species Dentaliumbadense, as well as species of the gastropods Pirenella, Melanopsis,Turritella, Conus conus/co¡¤nus/ (ko¡änus) pl. co¡äni ? [L.]1. a cone or co ne-shaped structure.2. posterior staphyloma of the myopic eye. , and Terebralia). As at the other sites in this area(e.g. Pavlov I and Dolni Vestonice, see Hladilova 1994, 1997, 2005),these species were collected as fossils originating from the Miocenesediments of the Carpathian Foredeep and of the Vienna Basin--bothlocated not far from the site. The surfaces of most of the shells wereheavily weathered. Human modification included artificial perforations,cutmarks, and remains of red coloration or black charcoal. The artefacts: stone and bone industry, decorative items and ochre The lithic lith¡¤ic?1?adj.Consisting of or relating to stone or rock.Adj. 1. lithic - of or containing lithium2. lithic - relating to or composed of stone; "lithic sandstone" industry is made of various types of flint, partly burntif located in the vicinity of the hearths. Although the whole content ofthe cultural layer was wet-screened, the group of microliths issurprisingly small (compared to the other recently excavated andwet-screened or floated Gravettian/Pavlovian materials): a marginallyretouched geometric microlith mi¡¤cro¡¤lithn.A minute calculus, usually multiple and resembling coarse sand.microlitha minute concretion or calculus. (Figure 5: 1), microblades, backedbladelets and backed microsaws (Figure 5: 2-8). Pointed blades aredistinctive at this site (Figure 5: 9-14). The quantitative dominance ofburins (Figure 5: 10, 15-16) over endscrapers (Figure 5: 17-18) is notas important as in other Gravettian assemblages. Within the Gravettianchrono-typological framework (Svoboda 1994: 215), Pavlov VI falls intothe Evolved Pavlovian stage, and into the facies or style characterisedby intensive marginal retouching on flakes, blades and pointed bladesand by the presence of a few microliths belonging to the so-calledPredmosti style. A discussion whether this facies of the Pavlovianreflects function or style lies outside of the scope of this paper. Therecovered assembl age also contains a heavy duty industry, especiallyhammerstones and stone plaques. The organic inventory includes two spatulae-shaped artefacts madeof mammoth ribs, which fall into the category of bevelled tools (Figure6). Preliminary results from technological analysis indicate thefollowing production sequence or techno-economic schema (Averbouh 2001):the support was produced by longitudinal splitting of the rib, mostprobably using a wedge, which left traces on the lateral edges of one ofthe implements. Traces of sawing or grooving were not observed due toweathering damage. At the stage of shaping, the distal part of one ofthe artefacts has been ground, bur traces of the grinding were wornduring later use. Finally, negatives flora impacts and otherdeformations observed at the proximal and distal parts indicate areutilisation of both tools as intermediates. [FIGURE 5 OMITTED] Decorative items are represented by four perforated flat pebbles,some of which are decorated by s hort incisions in various directions(Figure 7), a perforated tooth of an arctic fox, and by some of theabove-mentioned perforated shells of Tertiary molluscs. The ochreinventory includes sharp-edged fragments of hematite hematite(hĕm`ətīt), mineral, an oxide of iron, Fe2O3, containing about 70% metal, occurring in nature in red to reddish-brown earthy masses and in steel-gray to black crystalline forms. of grey-to-violetcoloration and a steel-like polish, and earthy pellets, red-to-ochre incolour. Traces of ochre are also visible on some of the other artefactsrecovered (a stone plaque, back of a bladelet, a pierced pebble, etc.). [FIGURE 6 OMITTED] [FIGURE 7 OMITTED] Ceramic pieces and fragments Ceramic pieces depicting a variety of zoomorphic andanthropomorphic Having the characteristics of a human being. For example, an anthropomorphic robot has a head, arms and legs. shapes as well as fragments of fired clay are animportant component of Pavlovian cultur al inventories. Their discoveryat a number of the sites in southern Moravia dates back to the 1920s(Bayer 1924; Absolon 1945; Klima 1979, 1989; Vandiver et al. 1989, 1990;Bougard 2007). Subsequently, imprints of organic materials were noticedon the pellets, and these provided important information ondermatoglyphics (Vlcek 1951; Kralik et al. 2002; Kralik & Novotny,2005) and textile and cordage cordage(kôr`dĭj), collective name for rope and other flexible lines. It is used for such purposes as wrapping, hauling, lifting, and power transmission. Early man used strips of hide, animal hair, and plant materials. (Adovasio et al. 1996, 1999). The newlydiscovered 12 fragments of burnt clay recovered at Pavlov VI augment andexpand the earlier evidence. [FIGURE 8 OMITTED] Twelve ceramic fragments and pellets were obtained during thewet-sieving of the sediments. The items show a range of firingtemperatures and, as a result, variable quality and preservation. Werecogni sed intentionally modelled shapes as well as imprints of humanepidermal ridges, of animal hair and of textile structures. Theyellowish-to-greyish colouration suggests that the majority (9 pieces)were produced in oxidation environments, and only 3 pieces, all of whichwere found around the central pit, in reduction environments, mostprobably inside the pit. This contrasts to the results from otherPavlovian sites in the area where reduction environments dominate (cf.Sofrer & Vandiver 1997). One of the pellets bears traces of abitumen surface. Among the modelled shapes, the most recognisable piece depicts thehead and neck of a carnivore carnivore(kär`nəvôr'), term commonly applied to any animal whose diet consists wholly or largely of animal matter. In animal systematics it refers to members of the mammalian order Carnivora (see Chordata). which, by comparison to the zoomorphicshapes from Dolni Vestonice-Pavlov, most likely depicts a lion (Figure8). The anim al's facial details are not engraved clearly, and arepreserved only unifacially. The other face was completely destroyed by adeep frontal incision produced by a sharp object while the modelled claywas still wet. This practice, possibly of ritual and/or magicalsignificance, has been noted in several other ceramics fragments(Absolon 1945; Klima 1979; Vandiver et al. 1990). [FIGURE 9 OMITTED] [FIGURE 10 OMITTED] [FIGURE 11 OMITTED] One side of a dark object bears a shallow concavity con¡¤cav¡¤i¡¤tyn.A hollow or depression that is curved like the inner surface of a sphere.concavity,n 1. the condition of being concave.n 2. covered byshallow parallel lines (Figure 9). Their regularity, parallel characterand the presence of two minutiae mi¡¤nu¡¤ti¡¤a?n. pl. mi¡¤nu¡¤ti¡¤aeA small or trivial detail: "the minutiae of experimental and mathematical procedure"Frederick Turner. recognisable in a 3D virtual surfacemodel permit us to identify the concavity as an imprint of humanepiderma l ridges. A second less distinct imprint is preserved on theopposite face of the same object. In addition, we recorded regularly crossed linear structures fromfibre-like materials. The distances between the fibres most frequentlyrange between 1 and 3mm. They correspond to textile structurespreviously discovered and documented by Adovasio et al. (1996, 1999) andKovacic et al. (2005). They are present on the body fragments (Figure10), on the bases of the three conical 'legs', and mostclearly (and bifacially), on a small plaque-shaped fragment (Figure 11). [FIGURE 12 OMITTED] Additionally, we recorded imprints of animal hair on three objects,all oriented in a parallel manner. Based on cuticular cu¡¤ti¡¤cle?n.1. The outermost layer of the skin of vertebrates; epidermis.2. The strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail.3. Dead or cornified epidermis.4. microstructure andon diameter size (Figure 12), they correspond to reindeer hair (Rangifertara ndus). Conclusion The new site, Pavlov VI, offers a clear definition of the basicliving unit of the Dolni Vestonice-Pavlov Upper Palaeolithic settlementarea. A satellite of Pavlov I, its location on a low elevation at astandard altitude slightly above 200m asl perfectly fits our modelledlocation for Upper Palaeolithic Gravettian sites in Moravia. Thesingular settlement unit is approximately 5m in diameter, surrounded bysterile loess. Its structure comprises a central pit with cobbles andtraces of fire, surrounded by small pits, and an accumulation of largemammoth bones. The most plausible interpretation for Pavlov VI is aseparate hunting site, processing food derived from twomammoths--probably a female with a calf. However the site also contained the remains of horse, reindeer,wolf, fox, wolverine, bear and hare, a lithic industry of the Pavloviantype, two bone artefacts, decorative objects, and modelled andunmodelled pellets of burnt clay. The majority of the ceramic pie ces andfragments show some evidence of human activity or a variety of imprints.Intentional human activities, possibly of magical or ritualsignificance, are evidenced in the production and destruction of acarnivore head bearing a deep frontal incision. Several imprints ofhuman fingers, animal hair and textile structures were incidentallyproduced as well, and these provide us with supplementary data about therichness of the perishable items that were used at the Pavlovian sitesand the techniques used to make them. Acknowledgement We thank Olga Soffer, Charles Keally and Martin Carver for readingthe draft of this paper and for useful comments, and Martin Frouz forphotographs of the decorative items. The preparation of this paper wassupported by the Czech Grant Agency Project 404/08/0045 (J. 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CalPal-2007Cologne Radiocarbon Calibration & Palaeoclimate Research Package.Available at Jiri Svoboda (1,2), Miroslav Kralik (2), Vera Culikova (3), SarkaHladilova (4), Martin Novak (1), Miriam Nyvltova Flsakova (1) , DanielNyvlt (5) & Michaela Zelinkova (2) (1) Institute of Archaeology at Brno, Paleolithic andPaleoethnology Research Center, 69129 Dolni Vestonice, Czech Republic (2) Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Science, MasarykUniversity, Kotlarska 2, 61137 Brno, Czech Republic (3) Institute of Archaeology at Prague, Academy of Sciences of theCzech Republic The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Czech: Akademie věd Česk¨¦ republiky, abbr. AV ČR , Opava branch, Czech Republic (4) Department of Geological Sciences, Faculty of Science, MasarykUniversity Kotlarska 2, 61137 Brno, Czech Republic (5) Czech Geological Survey, Leitnerova 22, 658 69 Brno, CzechRepublic Received: 9 April 2008; Accepted: 15 August 2008; Revised: 25August 2008

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