Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Natives fight back using simple life courses.

Natives fight back using simple life courses. The shootings at Red Lake High School this spring brought to light some ugly statistics: Suicide among Native American youth is roughly 2.5 times higher than the national rate; alcohol-related deaths among this population between ages 15 to 24 are 17 times higher than national averages; and Native Americans' 35.5 percent school dropout (1) On magnetic media, a bit that has lost its strength due to a surface defect or recording malfunction. If the bit is in an audio or video file, it might be detected by the error correction circuitry and either corrected or not, but if not, it is often not noticed by the human rate is twice the U.S. average. Unfortunately, these U.S. Department of Justice numbers aren't news to insiders like John Oliveira, the national child abuse coordinator for the Bureau of India n Affair's Office of Law Enforcement Services in Billings, Mont. Suicide, he says, has been the second leading cause of death for youth aged 10 to 24 for years. "Quite honestly, it can't get much worse in Indian country Indian countryor Indian Countryn.1. Indian Territory.2. Federal reservation lands under Native American tribal jurisdiction. ," he says. The whys are cloudy. Research into this population has been sketchy, made more difficult by the amalgamation of tribes, cultures and customs. And, of course, history took its toll. "We have the highest violent crime rate, highest domestic violence rate, highest child abuse rates and the highest poverty and illiteracy rates," Oliveira says. "Is it institutionalized in¡¤sti¡¤tu¡¤tion¡¤al¡¤ize?tr.v. in¡¤sti¡¤tu¡¤tion¡¤al¡¤ized, in¡¤sti¡¤tu¡¤tion¡¤al¡¤iz¡¤ing, in¡¤sti¡¤tu¡¤tion¡¤al¡¤iz¡¤es1. a. To make into, treat as, or give the character of an institution to.b. racism and oppression from 150 years ago? Sure. But as we comm only say in Indian country, 'These are European influences, but they're native owned now. We have to do something about it within Indian country.'" Experts are defining education's role in the turnaround. Oliveira recently convinced The Jason Foundation, a school-based national teen suicide prevention Suicide prevention is an umbrella term for the collective efforts of mental health practitioners and related professionals to reduce the incidence of suicide through proactive preventive measures. program based in Nashville, not to be confused with the JASON Foundation, to develop its curriculum for Native American youth. According to according toprep.1. As stated or indicated by; on the authority of: according to historians.2. In keeping with: according to instructions.3. foundation's President and CEO (1) (Chief Executive Officer) The highest individual in command of an organization. Typically the president of the company, the CEO reports to the Chairman of the Board. Clar k Flatt, the warning signs among this ethnic group don't differ from others so his program should reach this audience. The signs to look for in a friend include the person talking about suicide; feeling hopeless or worthless; preoccupied with death; and giving prized possessions away. Oliveira also advocates life-skills courses in schools--practical lessons like how to buy a car, manage a checkbook, and survive off the reservation. "We need to tell kids it's OK to leave, to go to college," he says. "You can come back if you choose to or not. But it doesn't take away your identity." Results at the 184 schools that the Bureau of Indian Affairs The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is an agency of the federal government of the United States within the Department of the Interior charged with the administration and management of 55.7 million acres (87,000 sq. runs using similar tools are promising. Stanley Holder, alcohol, drug and violence prevention specialist at the Center for School Improvement in the BIA's Office of Indian Education Programs, says they've seen a marked decrease in high-risk behaviors from 1997 to today. The only area that experienced a 2 percent increase: suicide ideation ideation/ide¡¤a¡¤tion/ (i?de-a¡äshun) the formation of ideas or images.idea¡ätional i¡¤de¡¤a¡¤tionn.The formation of ideas or mental images. . "Red Lake opened our eyes to the fact that we must be conscious daily of what our students are saying through their actions, their moods, and their activities to determine their true needs," Holder notes.

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