Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Salma Mohamed Ahmed Yagi (2001) The nutritional assessment of older people in emergency situations (displaced camps).

Salma Mohamed Ahmed Yagi (2001) The nutritional assessment of older people in emergency situations (displaced camps). M.Sc. Human Nutrition. Ahfad University for Women Ahfad University for Women is a private women's university in Omdurman, Sudan,and was originaly founded as a girls school by babiker badri in 1905 and was awarded the status of university in 1966. , Omdurman, Sudan. The contribution that older people make to their families andcommunities is important. Good nutritional status nutritional status,n the assessment of the state of nourishment of a patient or subject. means that an olderperson can remain healthy, independent and enjoy a better quality oflife than he would if he were malnourished mal¡¤nour¡¤ishedadj.Affected by improper nutrition or an insufficient diet. . There are so many risk factors that might lead the older peopl e toreduce their food intake and be nutritionally vulnerable. Older peoplewho live under emergency situations, such as displaced camps are morelikely to become malnourished. In this study the nutritional status of the older people in adisplaced camp Wad El Bashir El Sami (formerly Kartoon Barona) wasstudied through assessing the food intake, eating pattern and behaviour,style of family life, poverty indicators, functional ability,disability, health and indicators, such as gender, tribes and length ofstay in the camp were also assessed. Results obtained showed that, at least 30% of the studiedpopulation were at high risk of being malnourished. The economicalfactor was found to be the most determinant one that affects the foodintake of older people. The nutritional status in general was found to be fair for themajority of the study group and this might probably be attributed to thelength of stay of the older people in their home land and their previousgood nutritional statu s. Strong family bonds were found among the studypopulation. Other factors, such as disability functional ability andpsychological status, were not common and did not seem to have strongeffect on the food intake of the study group. Illiteracy was common inthe majority of the population as well as the poor nutrition educationknowledge. This was dearly indicated in the very low intake of fruitsand vegetables, low retake re¡¤take?tr.v. re¡¤took , re¡¤tak¡¤en , re¡¤tak¡¤ing, re¡¤takes1. To take back or again.2. To recapture.3. To photograph, film, or record again.n.1. of water and liquids and the low intake ofstarchy foods (below the required amount for their age).

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