Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Of stones and spirits: pursuing the past of Antelope Hill.

Of stones and spirits: pursuing the past of Antelope Hill. JOAN S. SCHNEIDER & JEFFREY H. ALTSCHUL (ed.). Of stones andspirits: pursuing the past of Antelope Hill (Technical Series 76Statistical Research). xvi+228 pages, 90 figures, 18 tables, CD-ROM.2000. Tucson (AZ): Statistical Research; 1-879442-76-0 paperback $35. Antelope Hill crops out of the lower Gila Valley, in Arizona. Rockart attests the interest of Native people in ancient times and recent,as too of colonists. It has also long been quarried and, by allaccounts, its products were borne far and wide. The site has now beenregistered as a Traditional Cultural Property. In this connection, andin advance of more large-scale quarrying, Of stones and spirits reportson archaeological recording of the site and recommendations for managingit. Consultations were carried out with Native pe ople (`the rock ... wasprovided by the creator' for tool makers (p.80); cp. BRAY, below);historical research was carried out; and the archaeological workincluded survey, test trenches, reference to experimental archaeology Experimental archaeology employs a number of different methods, techniques, analyses, and approaches in order to generate and test hypotheses or an interpretation, based upon archaeological source material, like ancient structures or artifacts. ,and one of the first attempts to use `cosmogenic-isotope' dating ofsurface features (somewhat inconclusive INCONCLUSIVE. What does not put an end to a thing. Inconclusive presumptions are those which may be overcome by opposing proof; for example, the law presumes that he who possesses personal property is the owner of it, but evidence is allowed to contradict this presumption, and show who is results from sampling[sup.36]Cl). The accompanying CD has very good photographs of the siteand its rock art and three short films -- it requires a lot of memory toplay. It is exceedingly ex¡¤ceed¡¤ing¡¤ly?adv.To an advanced or unusual degree; extremely.exceedinglyAdverbvery; extremelyAdv. 1. interesting to study such a systematicappraisal.

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