Monday, September 12, 2011

Valuing Differentiated Instruction.

Valuing Differentiated Instruction. VALUING DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Differentiated instruction (sometimes referred to as differentiated learning) is a way of thinking about teaching and learning. It involves teachers using a variety of instructional strategies that address diverse student learning needs. . Benjamin, A., LeadershipCompass, 2006, 72(1), 57-59. Benjamin defines differentiated instructionand provides practical suggestions for how to implement it. A culturehas to be created in which the practice of differentiated instructioncan develop and thrive. Meaningful choice, collegiality col¡¤le¡¤gi¡¤al¡¤i¡¤ty?n.1. Shared power and authority vested among colleagues.2. Roman Catholic Church The doctrine that bishops collectively share collegiate power. , open-endedness,and communication all must be valued consistently when developing and supporting the practice of differentiated instruction. Choice is a vitalcomponent of differentiated instruction. It is not always possible togive students choices about what they learn, but students can makedecisions about how they learn. "Successful differentiation dependson valuing ritual and variety," says the author (p. 58). Ritualprovides expectations, security, and routine, and variety can bring joy,excitement, and opportunities for decision-making. Variety is alsoimportant when making choices about assessment. Assessments are most accurate when they address a wide range ofabilities and modes of expression. In thinking about assessment, it iscrucial that it not always be necessary to review and summarize sum¡¤ma¡¤rize?intr. & tr.v. sum¡¤ma¡¤rized, sum¡¤ma¡¤riz¡¤ing, sum¡¤ma¡¤riz¡¤esTo make a summary or make a summary of.sum a lessonor study. Sometimes, discovery leads to as many questions as it doesanswers, and open-endedness leads to new knowledge. Collegiality i scritical because it encourages the collaboration necessary to supportthe choices that have to be made in the development of differentiatedinstruction. Time must be provided during the school day for teachers tomeet and collaborate, just as time must be provided in the classroom forstudents to talk and discuss issues. Communication is critical to thesuccess of differentiated instruction. Parents must be educated aboutthe different types of assessments and assured that this practice willnot diminish their child's performance, as individualized in¡¤di¡¤vid¡¤u¡¤al¡¤ize?tr.v. in¡¤di¡¤vid¡¤u¡¤al¡¤ized, in¡¤di¡¤vid¡¤u¡¤al¡¤iz¡¤ing, in¡¤di¡¤vid¡¤u¡¤al¡¤iz¡¤es1. To give individuality to.2. To consider or treat individually; particularize.3. assessments are not always comparable to standardized standardizedpertaining to data that have been submitted to standardization procedures.standardized morbidity ratesee morbidity rate.standardized mortality ratesee mortality rate. assessments .Choice, collaboration, collegiality, and variety in teaching strategiesmust be genuinely valued in order to successfully implementdifferentiated instruction and allow all students to learn within theirindividual learning zones. Reviewed by Angela Walker, AssistantPrincipal, Chelsea Park Elementary School elementary school:see school. , Chelsea, Alabama Chelsea is a city in Shelby County, Alabama, United States. Chelsea was incorporated on March 1, 1996 with a population of 906. At the 2000 census the population was 2,949. GeographyChelsea is located at (33.329116, -86. .

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