Monday, September 12, 2011

WYSIWYG words for scrabble players.

WYSIWYG words for scrabble players. The Swiss author Max Frisch once observed 'The truth is thebest camouflage--nobody believes it'. Recently at a suburbanScrabble club meeting the truth of that observation was brought home tome. I opened my game against a neophytic player with AI. 'Hang on atick' he exclaimed. 'What does that mean?''It's the three-toed Brazilian sloth', Bradypustridactylus' I replied 'named after the Tupi word for thesound it makes. As opposed to the unau or two-toed sloth.' By wayof demonstration I jumped up and cavorted about the room yelling'Ah-ee, ah-ee, ah-ee', beating my chest and scratching myarmpits like an ai might do. My opponent folded his arms in disbelief.'Yeah right. As if. I happen to know that 'ai' is thefirst person singular form of the French verb avoir 'to have'.That makes it a foreign word. Challenge!' Lat er in the game I managed to drop my SCUPPER on top of his NONGalong a triple file for 113 points. 'Hah. SCUPPERNONG' heguffawed. The practice of coffeehousing is considered unprofessional anda definite no-no in tournaments but I reckoned that if this characterwas going to upset my concentration with his extraneous banter he wasfair game. As I scribbled down the score I added 'For your information, ascuppernong scup¡¤per¡¤nong?n.1. See muscadine.2. a. A cultivated variety of the muscadine grape with sweet yellowish fruit.b. A wine made from this grape. is an Australian halfwit halfwitNouna foolish or feeble-minded personhalfwitted adjhalfwitn → Schwachsinnige(r) f(m)(fig) (inf) → who keeps scuttling ships. Like thecaptain of the disaster-prone HMAS Melbourne'. 'No' hecountered. 'A scuppernong is a silvery amber-green muscadine grapevariety, Vitis rotundifolia, named after the Scuppernong river in NorthCarolina. Nice move.' I felt like a nong who had just b een scuppered. This incident prompted me to compile a vade mecum of wysiwig (whatyou see is what you get (jargon) What You See Is What You Get - (WYSIWYG) /wiz'ee-wig/ Describes a user interface for a document preparation system under which changes are represented by displaying a more-or-less accurate image of the way the document will finally appear, e.g. when printed. ) words with appropriate daffynitions--Scrabbleplayers are welcome to use them in comparable situations or--betterstill--invent their own and post them on the notice board at club nights(but I suggest you forgo the accompanying charade). I have included thegenuine meaning in square brackets after each entry--they are often moreexotic and unbelievable than the bogus one. APRICOCK (ape-re-cock)--a rare breed of apricot-coloured rooster[an archaic form of the word 'apricot'] ARSMETRICK (arse-met-ric)--Herrick's fanciful adjective coinedto describe a pair of buttocks that display perfect symmetry [anobsolete f orm of 'arithmetic'] BUMBLEPUPPY (bum-b'l-pup-ee)--a frisky young dog inept atlearning new tricks [a game of whist played carelessly orunscientifically] CHOWRY (chow-ree)--a cheap eating house (like the Original OriginalJoe's in San Francisco) [an instrument used for driving away fliesin India] DALMAHOY (dalm-a-hoy)--a breed of large white seafaring dog withblack spots [a bushy eighteenth century bobwig] ETHERCAP (ether-cap)--the throwaway antiseptic paper hat thatanaesthetists wear [a Scottish form of attercop--a spider] FURBELOW (fur-b'-low)--Spenser's term for pubic hairfirst mentioned in his epic poem 'The Faerie Queen' of 1596 [aflounce on a petticoat or skirt] GEORGICS GeorgicsRoman Vergil’s poetic statement set in context of agriculture. [Rom. Lit.: Benét, 389]See : Farming (jaw-jix)--the scientific study of the spelling gaffes ofGeorge W. Bush [poems on an agricultural theme] HERMANDAD (her-man-dad)--the middle-aged lover of a young Hollywoodstar let [a confederation of Spanish burghers formed in 1282 for policeand judicial functions] HORNBOOK hornbook,primer of a kind in use from the 15th to the 18th cent. On one side of a sheet of parchment or paper the matter to be learned was written or printed; over the sheet, for its protection, a transparent sheet of horn was placed; and the two were fastened to a (horn-book)--any publication designed to stimulateprurience in men [a manual for children to teach them the rudiments ofknowledge] INTROITUS (in-tro-'t-us)--the medical term for sexualforeplay, an intro to coitus [an entrance to an anatomical cavity likethe vagina or an opening anthem at Mass] JAWBATION (law-bay-sh'n)--the autoerotic autoeroticadjective Referring to sexuoerotic self-stimulation–eg masturbation. See Masturbation. pleasure experiencedin the act of mastication mastication/mas¡¤ti¡¤ca¡¤tion/ (mas?ti-ka¡äshun) chewing; the biting and grinding of food. mastication(mas´tikā´sh [a va riant of jobation--a tedious scolding] JOCKTELEG (jock-t'-leg)--an unusual fielding position inScottish cricket whereby a player in kilts straddles the pitch, placingone foot at forward short leg and the other at silly point, and pullsfaces at the batsman--the bowler being required to deliver the ballbetween the crouching fieldsman's legs (also known as the'silly sporran' position) [a large Scottish clasppocketknife--possibly strapped to the leg and hidden under a kilt] KITTIWAKE (kit-ee-wake)--a funeral ritual for felines in whichfriends and family of the deceased caterwaul all night long on top of aroof [a small grey North Atlantic gull with a rudimentary hind toe] LOGOLOGY (log-oll-o-jee)--the scientific study of the timberindustry [a form of wordplay and recreational linguistics firstdeveloped by Dmitri Borgmann in 1965--ironically the word itself is notallowable in tournament Scrabble] LULIBUB (lull-ee-bub)--an old Celtic cradle song for wee bairns [anarchaic versio n of 'lollipop'] MEACOCK (me-cock)--the offspring of a moorhen and a peacock [adastardly bastard in Shakespeare's day] NUNATAK Nu´na`takn. 1. In Greenland, an insular hill or mountain surrounded by an ice sheet. (nun-a-tack)--a horde of ferocious crucifix-wieldingFranciscan Sisters who famously attacked Dalmietta during the EighthCrusade in 1269 [an isolated rocky peak encircled by a glacier] NUNCHUKKU (nun-chuck-a)--a period of play in an English medievalequestrian sport in which Little Sisters of Charity were snatched up byknights on horseback and hurled through suspended wooden hoops much tothe merriment of the peasant spectators [an oriental hand weaponcomprising two sticks joined by a chain] OCTOPUSH (ock-t'-push)--the eighth stage of labour in thebirthing experience of a parturient parturient/par¡¤tu¡¤ri¡¤ent/ (pahr-tu¡äre-ent) giving birth or pertaining to birth; by extension, a woman in labor. par¡¤tu¡¤ri¡¤entadj.1. Of or relating to giving birth.2. octopus [underwater hockey for twoteams of eight swimmers with snorkels who 'push' a lead'squid' around at the bottom of a pool] PISSASPHALT(piss-ass-falt)--a horizontal urinal with a porous bitumen surfaceinstalled for the micturition micturition/mic¡¤tu¡¤ri¡¤tion/ (mik?tu-ri¡äshun) urination. mic¡¤tu¡¤ri¡¤tionn.1. See urination.2. The desire to urinate.3. The frequency of urination. needs of long-haul truck drivers inoutback Australia [a form of semi-liquid bitumen] PLUMBUM (plum-bum)--a tropical disease in which the sufferer'sbuttocks gradually take on the colour and shape of a drupaceous dru¡¤pa¡¤ceous?adj.1. Resembling, relating to, or consisting of a drupe: drupaceous fruit.2. Producing drupes: a drupaceous tree.Adj. 1. fruitfrom trees of the genus Prunus Prunusa genus of trees in the family Rosaceae. The seeds of these trees contain cyanogenetic glycosides which are potentially poisonous. The fruit pulp appears to quite safe. The glycosides are amygdalin, prunasin, pru laurasin. [an obsolete word for lead] QUOAD (kwoad)--Australian slang for the Bufo Marinus or Queenslandcane toad [an adverb meaning 'to this extent'] RURP (rurp)--a burp that inadvertently repeats on itself [a smallpiton for mountaineers--the acronym stands for realized ultimate realitypiton] RUTHENIC ru¡¤then¡¤ic?adj.Relating to or containing ruthenium with a high valence. (ruth-ee-nic)--pathologically obsessed with the baseballlegend Babe Ruth [pertaining to ruthenium--a metallic element of theplatinum group] SCOTOPIA scotopia/sco¡¤to¡¤pia/ (sko-to¡äpe-ah)1. night vision.2. dark adaptation.scotop¡äicsco¡¤to¡¤pi¡¤an.See scotopic vision. (scot-ope-ee-a)--a short-sighted fascination with allthings Scottish [vision in fading light] SEXTILES (sex-tiles)--the blue tiles used in a game of X-ratedScrabble [in astronomy, positions sixty degrees apart] SLAMMERKIN (slam-'r-kin)--recidivist relatives who are oftenserving time [an obsolete word for a slovenly-dressed woman] SQU INCH squinch,in architecture, a piece of construction used for filling in the upper angles of a square room so as to form a proper base to receive an octagonal or spherical dome. (skwinch)--an old measure of snuff (a contraction of squareinch) there being four pinches to the squinch [a small arch built acrossthe interior angle between two walls] TIMBO (tim-bo)--a lumberjack born from the marriage of a bimbo witha himbo [an insecticide obtained from the bark of a South Americansapindaceous climber] TRAMPETTE (tramp-et)--a precocious juvenile prostitute [a smalltrampoline] TURDINE (turd-ine)--tending to behave like a turd [pertaining tothe thrush family] UMWHILE (urn-while)--the average length of time it takes to say'um' [a Scottish adverb meaning formerly'] VIAMETER--(vie-am-'t-'r) vertical diameter, a straightline drawn geometrically north south from the apex of a circle to itsbase [an archaic word for an odometer] WATERPOX--(waw-t'r-pox) a form of venereal disease cau ght byswimming with strangers in unchlorinated pools [another term forvaricella] WILLIEWAUGHT (will-e-wawt) Chaucer's ribald term for a smallhard excrescence excrescence/ex¡¤cres¡¤cence/ (eks-kres¡äins) an abnormal outgrowth; a projection of morbid origin.excres¡äcent ex¡¤cres¡¤cencen. on the male member [a deep draught of drink inScotland] XYSTER--(ex-why-ster) geneticists' jargon for a person with anXY chromosome pair [a surgical instrument for scraping bones] YUNX (yunx)--the young of a minx [the wryneck wryneck,common name for a primitive, unspecialized bird of the genus Jynx. The name is said to derive from their habit of twisting their necks when disturbed. genus] ZEBUB (zee-bub)--a baby zebu zebu(zē`by), domestic animal of the cattle family, Bos indicus, found in parts of E Asia, India, and Africa. [an Ethiopian dipterous dipterous/dip¡¤ter¡¤ous/ (-us)1. having two wings.2. pertaining to insects of the order Diptera.dip¡¤ter¡¤ousadj.1. insect harmfulto cattle ] ZUGZWANG zug¡¤zwang?n.A situation in a chess game in which a player is forced to make an undesirable or disadvantageous move.[German Zugzwang : Zug, pull, move (from Middle High German (zoog-zwang)--the crush experienced by passengers onGerman railway platforms as they rudely force their way onto a trainwhen the doors open [a blockaded position in chess] JOHN HOLGATE Sydney, Australia

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