Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Well worth consulting on consulting.

Well worth consulting on consulting. Is consulting for you? A primer for information professionals. ByUlla De Stricker. Chicago: American Library Association, 2008. 144 pp.US$40.00 (ALA members US$36.00) soft cover ISBN ISBNabbr.International Standard Book NumberISBNInternational Standard Book NumberISBNn abbr (= International Standard Book Number) → ISBN m13: 9780838909478. Libraries employ consultants for all sorts of reasons--managingprojects, benchmarking, problem solving problem solvingProcess involved in finding a solution to a problem. Many animals routinely solve problems of locomotion, food finding, and shelter through trial and error. , strategic planning Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including it s capital and people. and forspecial expertise and objective advice. De Stricker makes the pointsthat 'information and knowledge management is the domain oflibrarians', and that librarians and information professionalspossess skills which are well-suited to consulting. She identifiesopportunities for librarians in consulting to libraries and library-likeentities (e.g. archives, museums), non-library knowledge-intensiveorganisations and information and publishing industries. This is a very practical book, drawing on the author'sexperience in the information industry and in running her ownconsultancy company. She writes in an entertaining way about whatconsulting is, the realities of life as a consultant, and the personalcharacteristics needed. For example, she addresses the perceptions(sometimes reality) of being a consultant, including 'I make adifference', 'My experience can benefit many','I'm in charge of my own schedule', 'I'm athome'. She also asks difficult questions t o help prospectiveconsultants determine whether consultancy is for them, such as: 'Doyou have patience and emotional detachment?' 'Could you workseveral months at a stretch without a day off if projects pile up?''Are you comfortable working alone?' 'Do you have theexperience and courage of conviction to put forward your ownrecommendations?' De Stricker also lists pitfalls, such asunpredictable income, uneven schedules, impact on family life,professional isolation, 'work is all around me', and givestips on how to deal with these issues. Practical examples illustrate heradvice on establishing your business, marketing, writing proposals,dealing with contracts, and fee-setting. The book is well structured, with tips and examples giventhroughout; there is a list of background reading (universally useful)on the career outlook for consultants, and a list of resources (mostlyNorth American North Americannamed after North America.North American blastomycosissee North American blasto mycosis.North American cattle ticksee boophilusannulatus. ) for small businesses. The index is excellent--clear,logical and comprehensive. I highly recommend this little book--it isvery readable, and it will interest those who hire consultants, thosewho work as consultants and those who think they might like to tryconsulting. Sherrey Quinn Libraries Alive! Pty Ltd PTY LTD Propriety Limited (company structure in Australia)

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